To provide better support for myNode users, we’ve upgraded our support system to better track each individual request. We’re migrating from an email based system to a ticketing system integrated into the myNode website.
Logging a Ticket
To log a support ticket in the new system, you first need to register an account if you have not already. A new account only requires a username, password and email address for notification of new ticket responses.
After registering and/or logging in, you must add your product key(s) to your account via the product key page.
Once your product key has been added, you can log a support ticket via the Support Tickets page.
If you don’t see the above screen, your support subscription may have expired. If so, you can get more information on the Subscriptions page. All users should currently have a valid subscription.
After logging a ticket, a new ticket thread will be created which you can view on your tickets page.
After a response has been posted, you should receive an email notifying you of the response.
Finally, if your issue has been resolved, you can close the ticket via the Close button when viewing a ticket’s details.
Support Subscriptions
Each myNode Premium or myNode One purchase comes with 1 year of Premium support. Older users have extended Premium support through the following dates:
Orders through Q1 2020 - 03/31/22
Orders through Q4 2020 - 06/31/22
Orders through Q4 2021 - 12/31/22
All users have continued access to community support via GitHub, Telegram, and other various online communities.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to providing a simpler and more responsive support experience going forward!